Do What Scares You (just be authentic)
Last night I had a dream (I kid you not – I dream about work). In that dream, I worried about doing videos because I don’t really know how to put on makeup, I work from home (i.e. I’m pretty casual…) and because of these two things, I have hesitated to do videos to promote my business, thoughts and insights into the social and digital marketing world.
In my dream, I feared that NOT using video was going to hurt my business eventually. Why? Because to build relationships online, with people who in many cases have never met you, they need to become FAMILIAR with you.
You can’t really do that in any other way OTHER than video. And so, I was stumped.
But then, in my dream, I realized something (my dream was VERY motivational).
My authentic self IS a slightly messy-haired, un-made up, simple person who just wants to help others do better in their businesses. Just because I THINK that, because I’m a chick, I need to be made up in a certain way doesn’t mean I’m RIGHT.
And so, the other day, I posted this on my Facebook page:
I posted it because I knew I’d be sending out this newsletter, and it was the first step towards making a promise – to you as much as to myself – that I will not hide behind being “safe”. I will not hold back. I will not feel insecure about how I look or sound, simply based on my own pre-conceived bias and fear.
This may seem like a small thing, but when I woke up, I was so energized by this thought. So I’m going to include some of these videos in newsletters. I’ll put them on my YouTube channel and post them on other social networks.
Because “authentic” is not defined by ANYONE but yourself.
Have a super day!